
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道


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When she arrived at her neighbor's house and found him unconscious and turning blue, 布里安娜·科尔奎特知道该怎么做.

While someone called 911, Colquitt, then a high school senior in Carrollton, Georgia, started 心肺复苏. 她一直坚持到紧急救援人员到来. 她的训练, 这是她前一年在高中健康课上收到的, 让她准备好行动了吗, 她说. “一切都恍然大悟。."

但这并没有让她为接下来的一切做好准备. 首先传来的消息是她的邻居没能活下来. 于是她开始疑惑:她是不是已经尽力了? 即使是现在, 三年多以后, “记忆非常生动, 因为这是一次痛苦的经历,科尔奎特说.

The need to understand such experiences is part of what inspired a new report from the 美国心脏协会 about lay responders and 心肺复苏.

“几十年来,我们一直在训练人们做旁观者心肺复苏, but we've never actually gone back and paid attention to supporting them after we call them to action,凯蒂·丹蒂说, 谁领导的写作委员会 科学声明 周一发表在美国心脏协会期刊《沙巴足球体育平台》上.

执行心肺复苏术的非专业人员是“了不起的英雄”,丹蒂说。, a research chair in patient-centered outcomes at Toronto's North York General Hospital. The new statement aims to serve those people better by summarizing the latest research on their experience, 这可以改善培训, 消除阻碍人们采取行动的障碍, 最终, 拯救生命.

据估计,美国有347,322名成年人患有糖尿病.S. 每年有一次心脏骤停, 啊哈统计 显示. 心肺复苏 approximately doubles the odds of someone surviving a cardiac arrest, yet bystanders in North America initiate 心肺复苏 only 39% to 44% of the time, 根据新的报告.

There are big challenges to improving that rate that go beyond more training, 说的, who also is an associate professor at the Institute of Health Policy, 多伦多大学管理与评估.

在基本层面上, more people need to learn how to recognize a cardiac arrest – the person takes gasping breaths or has a bluish skin color, 例如——以及需要立即作出反应, 她说. Then, people need to be taught that it's OK to act even if they are not sure exactly what to do.

“很长一段沙巴足球体育平台, we made 心肺复苏 something that you needed to be a card-carrying member of a club to do,她说. 虽然训练很重要, 即使你从未受过训练, 当你拨打911时, 另一端的调度员会帮助您的. 很多人都没有意识到这一点."

Dainty thinks further research could help explain why some people act and some don't. 研究还可以为更现实的训练提供信息, 她说,这通常是在“有空调的房间里”进行的, 一个干净的人体模型平躺在地板上. 非常田园. 心脏骤停从来不会这样发生."

Training, 她说, also needs to address how people feel after they've performed 心肺复苏. 对大多数人来说, 这种经历是“令人难以置信的匆忙”," but researchers haven't spent a lot of time thinking about the psychological impact afterward.

Responders often describe their experience as traumatic and stressful, 报告说, 但是没有适当的制度来跟进他们.

有些人与诸如“无法入睡”之类的问题作斗争, 不断在脑海中回顾这些沙巴体育平台点击进入, 想知道你做的对不对,黛蒂说. Health care systems need to let responders know that such feelings are "totally normal, 我们有资源来帮助他们."

科尔奎特理解这种混乱的感觉. 她的经历帮助撰写了这份报告.

她觉得自己的心肺复苏术训练是“最好的”," even though she found it "a lot harder to do it on a person" than on a manikin.

一辆救护车带走了她的邻居, 科尔奎特跟着它到了医院, 她是从哪里得知邻居去世的. She was reassured by paramedics, who told her, "You did everything correctly. 我们到的时候看到你在做心肺复苏术."

这有帮助,但她仍然重新考虑她所做的一切. That day was "scary" and emotionally draining, 她说, and formal support could have helped.

但她并不后悔. "Even though it was a sad time afterwards, it gave me peace knowing I did everything I could do." The experience even helped lead her to pursue a career in health care. She's now a junior studying nursing at Jacksonville State University in Alabama.

布丽安娜科尔奎特, 现在是一名护理专业的学生, 她给邻居做心肺复苏术的时候是高中生吗. (摄影:玛丽·特纳)
布丽安娜科尔奎特, 现在是一名护理专业的学生, 她给邻居做心肺复苏术的时候是高中生吗. (摄影:玛丽·特纳)

Colquitt's advice to anybody pondering whether they should learn 心肺复苏 is: "Just go for it."

Dainty回应了这种情绪. 她说,正规培训很好,但即使是看电视 可靠的YouTube视频 能帮助某人准备拯救生命吗. 当一个人的心脏在医院外停止工作时, 她说, 外行人是他们生存的最好机会.

丹蒂说:“如果没有旁观者的心肺复苏术,他们就会一直死亡。. "But 科学声明s like this one draw attention to the bigger picture and where we need to put our research efforts to ensure we aren't causing unintended harm to these heroes."

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