近一半的美国人.S. 根据新的定义,成年人现在可以被归类为高血压



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阿纳海姆, California -- Nearly half of American adults are at risk for major health problems because of high blood pressure, according to a new scientific guideline that redefines the dangerous condition and provides tactics for doctors to detect, 治疗和预防它.

People with readings of 130 as the top number or 80 as the bottom one now are considered to have high blood pressure, 根据美国心脏协会周一发布的指南. 高血压过去被定义为140/90.

这一变化意味着46%的美国人.S. 成年人被认为患有高血压, 而在之前的定义下,这一比例为32%. 血压低于120/80仍被认为是正常的, 而是等于或高于这个水平, to 129, 会被称为“升高”吗.”

The new guideline is designed to help people take steps to control their blood pressure earlier, 据作者所说. 高血压, 也被称为高血压, is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke – the two leading causes of death in the world.

“是的, 我们将给更多的人贴上高血压的标签,并给予更多的药物治疗, 但我们将通过预防更多的中风来挽救生命和金钱, 心血管沙巴体育平台点击进入和肾衰竭,肯尼斯·贾默森说, M.D., Ph.D., professor of internal medicine and hypertension specialist at the University of Michigan Health System. 他是指南编写委员会的21位专家之一. “如果你要把钱投入医疗体系, 如果我们在这方面进行治疗和预防,对每个人都有好处, 在早期治疗中.”


仍然, the guideline – in the works for about three years and based on hundreds of studies and clinical trials – doesn’t suggest a massive increase in the number of people who will need to take medication to control hypertension.

估计有14%以上的成年人被归类为高血压患者, 大约五分之一的人需要药物治疗, 保罗·威尔顿说, M.D.他是指导方针编写委员会的主席. But taking into account the overall population of adults who now will have hypertension, the guide predicts only a small percentage more should be prescribed medicine for it, 与2003年发布的指南建议相比.

相反,发表在美国心脏协会期刊上的指南 高血压, emphasizes that doctors need to focus on a whole framework of healthier lifestyle changes for patients.

“我们需要发出肯定的信息, 你的风险会增加,这些都是你应该做的事情,威尔顿说, 新奥尔良杜兰大学全球公共卫生主席. “I’m not saying it’s easy to change our lifestyles, but that should be first and foremost.”

The recommendations for a heart-healthy diet include reducing salt and incorporating potassium-rich foods such as bananas, 土豆, 牛油果和深色叶蔬菜. 该指南还对减肥提出了具体建议, 戒掉香烟, 减少饮酒,增加体育锻炼.

的指导方针, 这是14年来的第一次全面调查, homes in on making sure doctors’ offices and patients understand how to accurately measure blood pressure and diagnose hypertension in the first place.

高血压 occurs when the force of blood pushing against vessel walls is too high. This added pressure causes the heart to work too hard and blood vessels to function less effectively. 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移, 压力会损害动脉内的组织, 哪种会进一步损害心脏和循环系统.

通常被称为“沉默杀手”,因为通常没有明显的症状, hypertension accounts for more heart disease and stroke deaths than almost all other preventable causes. 它的危害仅次于吸烟.

罗伯特。米. 凯里,M.D., 指南撰写委员会副主席, 他说,他预计这份报告对待老年人的方式会引起争议. It recommends people 65 and older be treated to the same 130/80 goal as younger patients. 今年年初的指导方针 from the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians suggested patients 60 and older be held to a standard below 150/90.

但凯里, professor of medicine and dean emeritus at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, said several intensive studies since 2015 show treating older adults to a lower blood pressure goal is beneficial.

“你必须缓慢地升级治疗,并监测任何副作用,”他说. “但治疗不能走动的老年受试者确实有好处.”

的指导方针s say it can be lifesaving: “BP lowering therapy is one of the few interventions shown to reduce mortality risk in frail older individuals.” Men and women age 65 to 74 under the new classification will see high blood pressure rates increase by 13 percent and 12 percent, 分别.


  • 高血压 rates could nearly triple among men age 20 to 44 – up to 30 percent from 11 percent. Women in that age group will see their rates almost double, to 19 percent from 10 percent.
  • Roughly three-quarters of men between 55 and 74 could be diagnosed with high blood pressure.
  • 黑人和西班牙裔男性的发病率将增加17%. 亚洲男性将增加16%.

The new classifications and recommendations are specific in how they determine who is at risk and what they should do about it, 杰姆森说.

Doctors should use a “risk calculator” to determine a patient’s risk of heart disease or stroke over the next 10 years. 评估, 结合其他建议, can prompt more thorough doctor-patient conversations to determine whether lifestyle changes alone can help, 或者如果需要药物的话.

“These new guidelines give patients a voice because it gives them an opportunity to ask healthcare providers, “我的风险是什么?’”贾默森说. “消费者应该得到一个解释. 医生在考虑如何治疗时应该计算风险."

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