After working out, he went into cardiac arrest. His wife saved him with 心肺复苏.

By Deborah Lynn Blumberg, American Heart Association 沙巴足球体育平台

帕德隆家族, 左起:丽贝卡, 艾丽亚娜一直, Beth and Luis – who survived a cardiac arrest at age 50. (Photo courtesy of the Padron family)
帕德隆家族, 左起:丽贝卡, 艾丽亚娜一直, Beth and Luis – who survived a cardiac arrest at age 50. (Photo courtesy of the Padron family)

1月,路易斯和贝丝·帕德隆在一个寒冷的周日早上在他们的门罗进行力量训练, 新泽西, 首页. Afterward, Beth stretched while Luis went to shower. The rest of the day, they had errands to run. Beth was going to cook a nice family dinner.

As Beth cooled down, she heard a thud from upstairs. It sounded like something hit the roof. Her daughter, 艾丽亚娜一直, who was 15, was beside her. Beth yelled out to her other daughter, Rebecca, then 17. She was upstairs studying and was OK.

"Let's just check on Daddy,贝丝说 to 艾丽亚娜一直. Beth yelled for Luis to see if he was OK.

Upstairs, she knocked on the locked bathroom door. Luis, her husband of 19 years, didn't respond.

贝丝敲得更用力了. 没有什么.


Opening it, she found Luis crumpled on the floor.

“叫911!" Beth screamed to her daughters.

埃莉安娜拨打了911. Rebecca spoke to the dispatcher and gave Beth the phone. 艾丽亚娜一直 waited outside for EMS.

与此同时,贝丝倒在地上,想看看路易斯是否还有呼吸. 他不是.

Beth had taken a 心肺复苏 class a decade earlier. 最近, 她读过一篇文章,讲的是立即进行胸部按压可以提高心脏骤停患者的生存机会. 在911接线员的指导下,她开始按压他的胸部. Although she felt his ribs break, Beth kept going.

As she performed 心肺复苏 on Luis, his face had drained of color. Within minutes, paramedics arrived. 30分钟, 他们用自动体外除颤器电击了他好几次, 或AED, and gave him epinephrine to help restart his heart.

Beth and the girls huddled together downstairs.

Then, there was a commotion on the stairs.

"We got his heart beating again," a paramedic called out.

贝丝和路易斯一起坐在救护车上,前往几英里外的新不伦瑞克的罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊大学医院. Her mom drove the girls to meet them.

Paramedics put a tube in Luis' throat to help him breathe. 在医院里, 医生赶紧把他送到心导管实验室,检查他的动脉是否有堵塞. 他做了心电图来测量心跳的电活动. 所有的测试都很好.

To help reduce permanent brain damage, 医生们决定尝试一种叫做治疗性低温的治疗方法. 它是指心脏骤停后体温降低.

For two days, Luis shivered and shook. 贝丝握住他的手. 丽贝卡和埃莉安娜演奏了他最喜欢的歌曲之一Journey的《沙巴体育平台点击进入》.

Two days after his cardiac arrest, Luis opened his eyes. Doctors removed his breathing tube. He was still groggy from being sedated.


"You're OK," she said, tearing up. “你是安全的."

Physically, Luis was OK. But he couldn't remember the year or nurses' names. 他告诉贝丝和女孩们他得了重感冒,尽管她们告诉他他是心脏骤停.

Slowly, his short-term memory improved. 他和贝丝讨论了给他装一个植入式心律转复除颤器的选择. If the device detects an abnormal heart rhythm, 它会通过电击来恢复正常的心跳.

The next day, Luis seemed to remember their conversation.

He got the ICD and had genetic testing. 结果并不能解释为什么他在50岁时心脏骤停. 他一直不知道为什么.

Nine days after Luis collapsed, he went 首页. He spent the next two weeks recovering. 当路易斯在2月底回到他的软件工程师岗位时, his short-term memory had returned to normal.

现在,路易斯经常想,如果不是他妻子的迅速行动,他不会活到现在. 帕德隆夫妇正计划为他们的大家庭举办一次心肺复苏术培训.

"I always envisioned if I needed to use 心肺复苏, it would be some random person in the street,贝丝说. "Not in my house and not my husband. 从我们到达医院的那一刻起,每个人都说我救了他的命. Everyone needs to learn 心肺复苏."

帕德隆一家正在为他们的大家庭计划一个心肺复苏术培训课程. From left: Luis, Beth, 艾丽亚娜一直 and Rebecca. (Photo courtesy of the Padron family)
帕德隆一家正在为他们的大家庭计划一个心肺复苏术培训课程. From left: Luis, Beth, 艾丽亚娜一直 and Rebecca. (Photo courtesy of the Padron family)



After they came 首页 from the hospital, 贝丝走进楼上的浴室时发现自己哭了起来. She pictured Luis lying motionless on the floor.

"Usually your house is your safe space,贝丝说. "It became my place of trauma."

To help make the bathroom a positive space again, 她刷牙洗脸时,路易斯坐在她身边. They put a coat of taupe paint on the white walls.

Gradually, Beth began to feel less anxious. 她说:“控制你的环境确实会产生影响。.

Practicing gratitude helped as well. The Padrons feel grateful for the first responders, 医生, nurses and hospital staff who cared for Luis. 他们也对作为一个家庭在一起的每一天都有了新的感激. 路易斯的ICD让他们放心,这个设备可以救他的命.

"It's there if I ever need it," Luis said.

发自内心的故事 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

American Heart Association 沙巴足球体育平台 Stories

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