

Most of us are familiar with the common barrier to regular physical activity -- lack of time. 工作, family obligations 和 other realities of daily life often get in the way of our best intentions to be more active. There are many other barriers that vary by person 和 circumstance.

如果你致力于体育锻炼和 为自己设定目标, it’s helpful to first identify your personal barriers. By troubleshooting 和 developing tactics in advance, you’ll have better success overcoming them.


Here are some of the more common barriers 和 solutions for overcoming them: 

  • 障碍: 缺少沙巴足球体育平台

    解决方案: Monitor your activities for one week 和 identify at least three, 30-minute slots you could use for physical activity. Select activities that you can fit into your home or work routine so you’re not wasting time on transportation to another place to achieve them. 漫步在你的社区, climbing stairs at your office or exercising while you watch TV are all good options.

    If you’re glued to your phone for work calls, you don’t have to be stuck in a chair. 养成走路和说话的习惯. Some workplaces have walking paths to make it even easier to burn while you earn. Schedule a walking meeting to fulfill a work agenda or party planning, 和 feel energized.

  • 障碍: Friends 和 family don’t share your interest in physical activity

    解决方案: Share your fitness 和/or health goals with friends 和 family, 和 ask for their support. 作为一个家庭一起活跃起来 你们都会受益. Since dogs 和 other pets are family members too, set morning 和 evening times when parents 和 children walk Daisy or Duke together. 

    Invite friends to participate in physical activity with you. Join a local YMCA or walking club to find people with similar goals to offer support. Research shows that joining a group or taking a class with others increases exercise time 和 health benefits. If you need childcare coverage, try alternating workout times with a friend 和 her family.

  • 障碍: 缺乏动力和/或精力

    解决方案: Plan ahead by keeping 运动鞋 in the car or at work, 因为如果你在家里停下来改变, 你可以去找沙发. Schedule physical activity for specific times/days, 和 “check” it off your list or calendar each time you complete it. 确定什么 一天中的沙巴足球体育平台 you feel more energetic, 和 try to fit the activity into that time frame. Join an exercise group or class 和 seek others in the group to 帮助激励 你和让你负责出席.

    记住迈出第一步, 周期, 姿势往往是最难的部分, 但是一旦你开始行动, 你缺乏动力的情况应该会逐渐消失. Even short bouts of activity can reduce stress 和 improve mood.

  • 障碍: Lack of resources/equipment due to expense or travel.

    解决方案: Select activities that require minimal facilities or equipment, 比如走路, 慢跑, 跳绳或健美操. 识别便宜, 方便的资源在你的社区, 比如公园和娱乐项目, 工作场所健康团体和步行俱乐部. 

    Check out some of the many free virtual exercise activities such as AHA’s 10分钟家庭锻炼, or 在家做你自己的循环运动. 保持全身健康 AHA的流媒体系列节目 脸谱网YouTube featuring yoga, strength 和 cardio workouts, meditation 和 more. 
    Pack walking shoes for travel 和 walk often during those days. Many hotels offer fitness facilities: commit to at least 20 minutes in the workout room before morning coffee or your evening meal.

  • 障碍: 感到不确定或不舒服

    解决方案: 有些人是自然来锻炼的, while others develop a physically active lifestyle as learned behavior. Talk to your health care professional about what exercises suit your age, ability, 和 health. Think about what activities you might like to do or try. If you feel that exercise takes you out of your comfort zone, start slow. 

     is often the easiest 和 most convenient activity. Recruit a walking partner, wear comfortable shoes 和 choose a safe 和 pleasant location to walk. 如果你觉得脚不稳, use walking poles (even old ski poles) to help maintain your balance. There are also other good activities you can do by holding onto a chair or lying on an exercise mat. A beginner group exercise class with people of similar age is also a good place to start. 

    Breathe deep 和 know that any exercise is better than none, 和 will benefit your physical 和 emotional health when done regularly.