先天性心脏缺陷 手术

wife sitting by husband in hospital bed

In some instances, you or your child may need heart surgery to fix a 先天性心脏缺陷. 以下情况可能需要手术:

  • 修补心脏的空洞,如室间隔缺损或房间隔缺损
  • Repair a patent ductus arteriosus
  • 修复复杂的缺陷, 比如心脏附近血管的位置问题,或者它们是如何形成的
  • To repair or replace a valve
  • To widen narrowed blood vessels


It's important for you to be as healthy as possible for the operation. 在手术前的两周内,最好远离感冒或发烧的人. 如果你发烧了, cough or cold during that time, 和心脏科或外科团队的人谈谈,决定是否应该推迟手术.

你将在预定手术前一周接受术前咨询和检查. Common pre-operative tests include an electrocardiogram, 超声心动图, chest X-ray and blood testing.

外科医生的办公室会告诉你什么时候到达,并会提供任何你应该遵循的特殊指示来准备手术. 一般来说,手术前几个小时你不能吃也不能喝.


How Can I Prepare for Heart 手术? (PDF)


A team that includes the cardiac surgeon, 麻醉师, 其他医生, technicians and nurses will perform the heart surgery. While the surgeon performs the operation, the 麻醉师 gives you anesthetic and monitors your vital signs.

The team will use a heart-lung machine, which is also known as a cardiopulmonary bypass machine, 在心脏直视手术期间. 心肺机允许血液绕过心脏,这样心脏就可以排空, 拆封修复. The bypass machine removes the bluish blood before it enters the heart, pumps it through a machine that adds oxygen to it and makes it red again, and then pumps the red blood back into the body.

Once the heart-lung machine is working and the heart is emptied, the team will give you a medication to stop the heart from pumping. The surgeon can then open the heart and do the operation. After the surgeon finishes the operation, he or she will close up the heart, allow the blood to fill the heart and start the heart's pumping. 一旦心脏正常跳动,团队将关闭并断开心肺机.

一些靠近心脏血管的手术不需要心肺机. These types of operations are called closed-heart surgery.


输血 are often needed for heart operations. 所有捐献的血液都经过仔细筛选,以匹配你的血型,并排除感染, such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.

Blood is sometimes in short supply. 你或你的家人和朋友可以提前献血,这些血液可能会在你的手术中使用.


After surgery you will go to the intensive care unit (ICU). 经过专门训练的医生、护士和技术人员将为您提供24小时的护理.

Your doctor may do blood tests, 心电图, 超声心动图s and chest X-rays to monitor your heart function. 你也可以接受静脉注射药物来提高你的血压或心率,或者让身体排出在心脏直视手术中积累的额外液体. 你会尽可能舒适地服用止痛药和镇静剂.

Common types of monitoring and support used in the ICU include:

  • Central venous line (CVL, CVP or right atrial line): 一个小管子, 叫做导管, 这是用来给药物和液体以及监测静脉压力的. 导管通过胸壁或体内的一条大静脉直接置入心脏.
  • 动脉线(art线): A catheter that allows blood pressure to be measured continuously. The tube is commonly placed into an artery in the wrist, groin or feet.
  • 动脉血气(ABG): A test in which blood is drawn from the arterial line. It gives information about how well the lungs and heart are working.
  • Oxygen saturation (sat monitor): 一种连接在手指或脚趾上的小监测器,可以连续监测动脉中的氧气水平.
  • Mechanical ventilator (breathing machine): 这将氧气输送到肺部,直到你从手术中醒来,可以正常呼吸. 呼吸机通过一种叫做气管内管的特殊管道将氧气输送到肺部,气管内管从喉咙进入气管.
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP): 这个特殊的装置放在你的鼻孔里,在压力下输送氧气. 这可以在不使用机械呼吸机的情况下保持肺部扩张.
  • 鼻插管: Small tubes placed into your nostrils that deliver oxygen.
  • 胸管: 通过胸壁上的小切口进入心脏或肺部周围的空间以排出手术产生的液体和空气的管子. You may have one or more chest tubes. 一旦空气和液体排出,医生就会拔掉管子.
  • 弗利导管: 放置在膀胱内的一根管子,用来连续排出尿液,确保肾脏正常工作.
  • 节奏线: 穿过胸壁并直接连接到心脏的小导线. 如果你有不正常的心律,这些导线可以恢复心脏的正常心律.


离开ICU后, you will go to an area of the hospital that provides less intensive care, often called "the floor" or "step-down unit.“在这些区域,你的心率和节奏可能仍然是通过一种称为遥测的连续心电图系统来监测的. 你将参加一个鼓励咳嗽和深呼吸的项目,以帮助防止肺部塌陷和感染. 参与正常的活动,比如散步和上厕所,将有助于加快你的恢复.

After surgery good nutrition is important for your recovery. 有些病人吃低盐饮食以减少体内液体的积聚.

有些病人在手术后的头几天可能会发烧. Fever can be a normal reaction to the surgery, but if the fever doesn't go away, your doctors may run tests to find out the cause and how to treat it.


当医生对你的好转感到满意时,你就可以回家了. You may be given pain medications or heart medicines to take at home. 在你离开医院之前,确保你了解了所有的药物.

What Happens After Heart 手术? (PDF)

Taking care of your child at home

外科医生会给你关于伤口护理的指导,以及如何应对手术的影响. 团队成员还将提供您的孩子出院后的活动水平信息. 他们会告诉你,你的孩子什么时候可以回学校,参加体育课和体育活动.

Be sure to schedule any follow-up appointments suggested in the hospital. 给你的孩子提供心脏健康的饮食和处方药.

You should call your surgeon or cardiologist if your child develops fever, 胸部疼痛, 呼吸困难, 或发红, swelling or pus at the incision site.

What Can I Expect When I Go 首页 After Heart 手术? (PDF)

Your Heart 手术: Realization and Repair
Your Heart 手术: Rehab and Recovery