Understanding Tastes and Food Flavors

The delicious – or not-so-delicious – way in which a food tastes in your mouth is the result of many factors including flavor, 气味, 温度和质地. Taste buds tell us if a food is sweet, 酸, 咸, bitter or umami; but the flavor of a particular food is also determined by aromas picked up by your nose. Understanding how different flavors balance and counterbalance one another can help you be more comfortable with cooking!


  1. 甜蜜的 ——水果, 烤蔬菜, 烘烤谷物, 糖, 蜂蜜, 龙舌兰糖浆, maple syrup and milk have a sweet taste. 少吃添加糖. Most women should eat or drink no more than 100 calories per day from added 糖s. Most men should eat or drink no more than 150 calories per day from added 糖s.
  2. 酸/ -酸味水果, 比如酸橙和柠檬, 白脱牛奶, 绿色的西红柿, 醋, 酸奶和发酵食品, 比如酸菜, 有酸味或酸的味道吗.
  3. ——零食, 海藻, 火腿, 橄榄, 奶酪和海鲜, 比如牡蛎和蛤蜊, 有咸味. 面包和卷, 冷盘和腌肉, 披萨, 家禽, soup and sandwiches are some of the foods that add the most sodium to our diet.  用香草和香料代替盐, and replace 咸 foods and ingredients with lower sodium versions. The 美国心脏协会 recommends that most people consume less than 1,500 mg sodium per day.
  4. – Dark leafy greens, coffee, grapefruit*, unsweetened cocoa and tonic water all have a bitter taste. 
  5. 鲜味 – Defined as the “fifth taste,” it is described as meaty or savory. Examples are beef, chicken, pork, tomato sauce, ripe tomatoes, mushrooms and soy sauce. When eating umami foods, look for lower-sodium or no-sodium options.

Balancing the intensity of flavors leads to delicious dishes. Some tips on how to make tasty dinners out of pantry staples – or even an unfamiliar ingredient you may have:

Balance flavors: Foods that have similar flavors, intensity, aromas or textures:

  • 大胆的味道: 鱼、薄荷和酸橙
    • 几分钟晚餐: Make a lower-sodium canned tuna salad with mint and lime. Top grilled zucchini with a dressing of mint, lime and chopped low-sodium anchovies/sardines. 
  • 朴实的味道: 蘑菇,扁豆,月桂叶
    • 几分钟晚餐: Cook lentils (or dry beans) and mushrooms in low-sodium chicken broth with a bay leaf.
  • 松脆的材质: 苹果,芹菜,坚果
    • 几分钟晚餐: 端上一份苹果碎沙拉, celery and unsalted nuts; combine with a dressing of vanilla low-fat, 不添加糖酸奶.
  • 甜美的香气: 烤甜菜和橙汁
    • 几分钟晚餐: Make a dressing of orange juice, grated orange rind and a little olive oil; use to top roasted beets.

Counter-acting flavors: Mixing flavors and textures can be delicious and add 披萨zz to dishes:

  • 羽衣甘蓝vs. 鲜味碎香菇
    • 几分钟晚餐: Cook greens in a little low-sodium chicken broth and add chopped mushrooms. 
  • 甜蜜的 西红柿和. 苦的芝麻菜
    • 几分钟晚餐: Top whole-wheat bread with fresh or low-sodium, canned tomatoes and fresh arugula and add a sprinkle of balsamic 醋 and olive oil; broil in oven to warm.
  • 燃烧 麻辣辣椒vs. 舒缓的酸奶
    • 几分钟晚餐: Prepare bean casserole with spicy hot peppers and top with low-fat, no-糖-added yogurt.
  • 葡萄柚* vs. 甜的天然糖
    • 几分钟晚餐: As a side or snack: Broil one-half fresh grapefruit* in the oven until golden to release some of the natural sweetness in the grapefruit.
  • 脆脆的 甜菠萝vs. 奶油鳄梨
    • 几分钟晚餐: Top broiled fish with a salsa of canned pineapple, avocado and chopped green peppers.

*Some cholesterol-lowering medications may interact with grapefruit, 葡萄柚汁, 石榴和石榴汁. Please talk to your health care professional about any potential risks.





